Doom 3 cheat codes on xbox
Doom 3 cheat codes on xbox

And as I'm looking for one, he rams through the glass and had me trapped in the corner. so your like ok, so I presume there's an alternate exit. One of the best parts of the game was where this big enemy with like metal rear legs, sees me in the room and tries ramming the door in, the thing bends to the point of breaking and then he just stops. Like I said chainsaw is just an awesome weapon, rocket launcher is alright I guess, blood effects are some of the best I've seen, very detailed. Oh yea, you end up going to hell in the game which is pretty insane. The audio logs for the guy trapped in hell were particularly convincing. Some of the audio logs are great to listen to mainly because the voice acting is stellar. The only thing I didn't like was the load times with the PDA having to check security codes and stuff out a lot. Most of the time you'll be switching between your weapons using your D-Pad (which btw you can program) or the Y button (I think Y, might be B).

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The single player though, is really intense, even if you stop playing for a while and load the game back up, within minutes you'll be in the game quick. Gameplay: Multiplayer, like I said, 4 people, not all that great of pings, and just randomly teaming up with some jackass isn't too enticing, on top of the fact if your host you can kick people out when your losing so your not credited a loss. If you haven't played it, I strongly recommend renting this a couple times. I died maybe once/twice and that was because of falling into pits and such, but the game was still challenging, I was on the verge of death a lot. The graphics are really good, i don't see what everyone's problem with'em are, and the story is barebones but the cutscenes where you run into bosses and such leave you feeling like your underpowered and a bit worried. The weapons are great, especially the chainsaw which I just love the sound of it tearing through flesh and scraping the walls and ground. People with motion sickness be warned, my friend can't even play this game more than 20 minutes without taking an hour break. Multiplayer, being only 4 people, wasn't exactly my cup of tea, on top of the fact every game I was in the lowest ping I saw was 74 but it would fluctuate up to 120 all the time, so I basically spent my whole time in single player. Overall: Man I had so much fun with this. Suggestions: DON'T MAKE ANOTHER ONE, BECAUSE IT WILL PROBABLY SUCK LIKE DOOM 3 The sounds of the weapons are ok, but it is nothing special. Sound: Sound is alright, the noises of all the demons are good, but they say the same thing every time. Graphics: The graphics are the strong side of the game even though they are not great. Beleive me, this game is not worth buying, don't listen to all those other people who give this game 4s, and 5s, they are crazy. The game is very, very hard, unless you have the unlimited health cheat on, then it is to easy. I have had the game for a while now and I am still only on the second level, ya want to know why, because I am bored of it already. You play as somebody in this group of people(I do not know who because the story ain't great) and you are on mars, yeah that's right, MARS, and an infestation of demons are taking over the place you are in and you have to kill all of them. See, repitition can get anoying, just like how I kept saying over and over a bunch of times, the game is like that. Gameplay: Unlike most of my other reviews, I don't have alot to say about it.It is scary at first, but because it is the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, it stops to be fast.

doom 3 cheat codes on xbox doom 3 cheat codes on xbox

Overall: When you first start playing it seems to be fun, but trust me it gets old QUICK! I only played it for a couple hours because it started to get boring.

Doom 3 cheat codes on xbox